The current show is called Hardware, a collaborative exhibition created by the New Image Art Quilt Group. The show not only highlights the versatility of fabric arts, but the creativity that occurs when a group of artists works together to push the envelop of a theme -- in this case "hardware."
Earlier in the day, in another gallery, I had asked Ann, " If you were a collector which piece of art would you choose from this exhibition?" By the time we had come to the Target Gallery I had forgetten the question until Ann stopped in front of Sue Pierce's Closed Circuit, and proclaimed, "This is the piece I would choose!"
All the pieces in Hardware express a sense of play, as well as thoughtful analysis by the artists. Some artists dealt with the hardware theme head on, such as B.J Adams' Tireless Tools, while others were more oblique in their approach. Sue Brown's Unlocked used key metaphors, while N. Amanda Ford used old denim to express the theme in the piece Well Worn - Hard Wear. Sandra LH Woock has four pieces in the show and expressed a painterly quality and luminosity I never thought possible in fabric art.
The works were all relatively small, but created dramatic images when viewed from a distance. The Target Gallery provides a lovely open space for this show. Hardware is an clever show and made me think of how new mediums will push you as an artist, taking you to previously unexplored places and ideas if you let them. In this sense Hardware is a celebration in artist collaboration and individuality!